How to Make Puppet Shoes: Free Pattern
Puppetry is an enchanting art form that has captivated audiences for centuries. From hand puppets to marionettes, each puppet brings its own unique charm and character to life. One crucial aspect of puppet construction often overlooked is the footwear. Puppet shoes contribute to the overall visual appeal of the character.
In this article, we will guide you through the process of making puppet shoes. Whether you’re a seasoned puppeteer or a passionate beginner, this step-by-step tutorial will help you create custom footwear that perfectly complements your puppet’s personality.
The pattern can be modified to make high heels, or flat shoes.
By following our instructions and utilizing the provided pattern, you’ll learn how to fashion sturdy, and aesthetically pleasing shoes that will enhance your puppet’s performance on stage or screen. So, gather your materials, unleash your creativity, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of puppet shoe crafting!

- Print out the pattern on an 8 1/2″x11″ sheet of paper or cardstock (preferred).
- The pattern can be enlarged or shrunk to fit your puppet.
- Trace the pattern parts onto 1″ foam
- Apply contact cement to the sides of the front par and around the outside edge of the outer sole.
- Wrap the front piece onto the edges of the outer sole.
- Glue the two long ends of the back parts together.
- Glue the bottom of the assembled back piece to the outer sole.
- Glue the short front edges of the back piece to the edge of the front part.
- Glue the inner sole inside the shoe if desired to fill it up.
- Cover the foam with felt or other materials.
You can cut down the back part where it curls up if you are looking for more of a dress shoe or sneaker look. The toe of the pattern can also be rounded off before assembly.
For high heels, add a block of foam or cylinder of foam of the desired height to the back bottom of the show. Cover the heel with material before attaching to the shoe.
If you cover the shoe with DecoArt® MagiKote, you can paint it the color of your chocice.
I usually wrap felt around the shoe and glue it to the bottom. Then I take a second “outer sole” I have cut from EVA foam and colored with paint or sharpie, and glue to the bottom of the shoe.
Shoe laces can be glued to the shoe in a shoe lace pattern if desired.
I often buy toddler shoes at the Goodwill for my puppets, but this pattern makes for quick, inexpensive shoes or custom shoes.
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