Puppet ministry is surprisingly effective and enjoyed in our high tech world. There is always something special about live performance. There is a relationship that happens between the performer and the audience, that no video can have. Puppeteers can ad lib and customize the show to audience response, really bringing a live audience into the show.
Puppets play a huge part in our children’s ministry programs. Children love the puppets and adults enjoy them, too. For many children that join us for Vacation Bible School, the puppet skits and songs are their favorite part.
Puppets used to be the mainstay of children’s television programming, but with the advent of cheap computer animation, puppets have disappeared from most kid’s shows. Having puppets in the church is actually new and refreshing to the younger generation.
Kids are used to computers and video games – won’t they find puppets boring?
Over the past 18 years I have been using puppets, I have discovered just the opposite. Kids are fascinated by these talking stuffed creatures. Mr. Rogers would captivate his audience with the simplest of puppets, while Sesame Street brought a new style puppet to children. Today, still, children just love puppets.
Puppets become real to children and adults. As a figure develops his character he or she becomes a unique individual with unique personality traits and quirks.
You always knew the Cookie Monster was going to gobble things up, whether it be cookies or the shape of the day. Grover was always going to be a bit absurd and Ernie was going to drive Bert crazy.
Over a five-night Vacation Bible School program, children get to know my puppet, Elmer, as a silly boy always getting things confused or aggravating his female cohort, Becky Becky is usually the serious one and Elmer is the instigator.

The children always yell when Elmer comes on the scene. Although I do Elmer’s voice in our skits, Sometimes my wife does Elmer as a silent puppet. He will pop up behind my back and the kids yell. When I turn around, he disappears. After a few times, I will catch him. Then I ask questions of him, Like, “Did you memorize your Bible verses?”
Elmer answers with head nods and shakes, by looking away, etc. My wife does an excellent job making him come alive without words.
Puppets Grab And Hold The Audience’s Attention
According to Christian Puppeteer Richard Gibson, “People will listen to puppets sometimes when they will not actual people. We have as many adults as kids that have said they want us back to share Christ again.
I know our team and others that have had people come to alter at the end. We had one show that we had to keep stopping the show 3 times due to people coming to the altar.

It plants seeds for God. Which is what most ministries really do. Most of us will not know what God does with things He has used us for in the end. But, I can tell you He is involved. e Bible says if 2 or more gathered, He is there. So if a team is sharing Christ, we have an Audience of ONE and everyone else will get to worship with us. SO YES. I think puppets can reach people. I have seen it.
Think of it this way, Billy Graham and other preachers reach a lot of people just standing behind a pulpit sharing God’s Word. We just do it with Puppets. And less Air Time.
We do have black lights and lighting for a couple of songs in our shows. They enhance the attention. Which goes back to, getting someone to hear us share Christ, Which is what it is all about.“
If your puppets are engaging and animated, your audience will key in on what they are saying. This allows your message to really be heard.

Puppeteer Laura Wray says, “Our ministry team is requested by adults and senior citizens the most. Especially hospitals. They can touch people of all ages. Puppets bring another bridge that some can relate to and bring them to the Lord. We add tech into our performances as well with videos to help enhance and keep attention by continuing to change things up.”
Matthew Chandler adds, “Kids of all ages like puppets. And doing shows live gives you a chance to improv a bit with the audience – something a video can’t do. Plus, I’ve found when I walk around with puppets, not only kids but adults like to put their fingers in my animal puppet’s mouths! “
Puppets Are Fun and Capture Your Audience’s Attention
Yes, people LOVE puppets. They are fun and they are personal. With puppets, the audience can be brought into the show. They feel they are right in the moment. With video, the audience members become mere spectators.

A Stage Full Of Puppets Creates Excitement
Using multiple puppets also creates excitement. The puppets play off each other and create humorous situations. A puppet can pop up and bring surprise or tension or comic relief to a show.
Using multiple puppets can be a great attention grabber. Additionally, you can have a live person interact with the puppets. That is hard to do with video. As I mentioned above, the kids love when I interact with Elmer.
Every Ministry Can Benefit From Adding Puppets
I believe every ministry can benefit from adding puppets. Not just Vacation Bible School or Sunday School, but hospital ministry, nursing home ministry and even ministry to adults.
Puppets are just more characters you can add to your ministry without adding more personnel. I’m not just “Brother Dennis,” I am Elmer, Andy, Grandpa Possum and several other characters. My wife is Becky, Maria, Silent Elmer and multiple animals. Even my 9 year old twins add puppets in the background when we do songs with the puppets.
If you want to bring my family to your church or event, check out our ministry at www.winthechildren.com